Saturday, March 31, 2007


Happy April Fool's Day

Who can make you a fool..?
I think someone whom you trust.

I don't feel bad to admit, that I do have been fooled sometimes on April 1st.

One April Fool's day , I won't be able to forget my whole life.

I was in school, standard XII.
I used to go to school daily with my best friend Pushpendra.

He used to have pain in his chest sometimes,,may be due to gas problems or some not so serious problems.

One day,he called me in the morning ,his voice was very tense as if he was suffering with huge pain.

He told me,"praveen,--------I..... am.... having ...........excruciating... pain in my chest,.............. please help me..............I don't want tell my parents......... and disturb them.........."

I was too tense and anxious,,I didn't know what to do..I told him all the remedies I knew....His voice was saddening me...the way he was speaking,was breaking my heart. I was in tears..

He was speaking very slowly ,but then suddenly his voice stopped.
I shouted Hello, Hello ..

But no response from there.

I decided to go to his house,,at that moment..
I said final 'hello' ,and as I was about to keep the phone down,
then heard a laughter from other side.

I was perplexed,,then in that same broken voice ,my friend said,
'April ...........fool.........banaya,,,,,,"
and then he laughed and laughed...

I remembered then that it was first april that day.

I felt relieved and angry too..

I put down the phone and was angry with him for many days....

So , friends,, this was the april fool's day ,I will never forget..




InkTank said...

my son did fool me in the morning. he was excited at shouting "april fooooool"!

Aditi said...

this day is really fun, April fool, specially children feel delighted to make april fool.

I've posted on Reservation in my recent post, do come and review it...

Cyber Sammy said...

hahaha, funny anecdote. Well i did manage to catch some people read handed with my crushcalculator this time :)